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Will this eventually cover all 7 realms?  


So got a problem on android tablet. The end when the side path comes up and i click on one i get this. when I hit ignore and ignore again it just closes it the whole game. 

Hi there. We have fixed this, and I will upload the amended version shortly!

I have uploaded the fixed version. Please re-download it, and it should work as expected. Apologies you ran into this bug!

Yo, what's up with Mega drive bullshit? Can we just download a regular zip? Or get a Steam key?

Hey there. We have a maximum file size we can upload directly to Itch, and Realms 1 & 2 exceed this limit. Hence, we have to make them available via external links. 

Are you having issues downloading using the external links?

Yes, thank you. I can't get the file to do anything. Maybe I need to research this extension a bit...

Are you downloading using the Itch app or on the website? If you are using the app, try the website instead, and that should work.

If not, let me know and I'll try to help further!

The Itch app worked! Thank you. Please excuse my cursing Sept, I felt ripped-off at the time.

One thing interessts me, i think I plan to buy this as soon as I finished the other demos, I get that the idea of the game has at least somewhat to do with changing worlds right? 

Sooo do you keep any relationships you make there or is it like " be done with the world and never to be seen again?"  

I don't expect that but it feels like something I had already seen and I nearly forgot about it, but I buy this and every new world or whatever will most likely work trough the same purchase

Yeah, for a brief overview of the setting, there are seven realms. You live on Terran (Earth), and each new episode takes you to a new realm for a self-contained story that serves to move the overall story and characters forward.

There are three main love interests. One who you are with by default, and two who are optional (but are still main characters regardless of whether you are in a romantic relationship with them or not).

The other ladies in the game will reappear at various points throughout the game and will have their own "side paths" where you can get to know them better. However, you are not "in a relationship" with them. You can see those outside of the main three as more of a friends-with-benefits situation.

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i have a problem i payed for this i received all parts but now i was trying to play it again and i found out i deleted part 1 and 2 and only have the 3rd one left how do i get the other 2 parts back ? it says this title is hosted from an incompatible 3rd party website and then i cant acces further onto it 

Hi there. Are you trying to download using the Itch App, or on the website itself? If you are trying on app, please try instead on the website.

Due to the filesize of Realms 1 & 2, we have to upload it externally, not directly to Itch. Some people have faced issues with external links on the app.

If you are using the website already, let me know and I'll work out how to get the link to you :)

(1 edit)

just finished realm 3. no way you made me choose between Idril and Morwen at the end :(
but seriously, really love this series. choices in this game feel way more consequential than others, which i really like, and it adds to the replay value which i also really like. can't wait to get to realm 4!


Haha, sorry!

Thanks so much; we're really glad you're enjoying it!

I keep running in an error opening on Mac. I downloaded the iOS version, extracted from folder and ran the app but it just says app cannot not be opened. Am i doing something wrong?

Hi there, this is an issue some Mac users face when launching games created in RenPy (the game engine we use to create the game).

Please see this video and let me know if this resolves your issue. Thanks!

It worked. Thank you!

Perfect. Thank you for confirming. Enjoy!



I have just bought the games on steam, good story, writing and art, just wondering if its a yearly release schedule till the end? So we would be looking at 2029 for a conclusion to the story?


Thanks very much. We're glad you're enjoying it!

We released Realm 1 in 2022, so keeping to one per year, the game would be complete in 2028. We're currently looking at streamlining our processes to try and speed up the development, so we plan for the game to be completed before 2028!

cheers. take the time you need.

Do you have ost for this game?

All tracks in the game were composed specifically for the game. We've not officially released an OST yet, but we plan to do so when we have a little more time :)

Thank you. I will be waiting for the OST : )

(1 edit)

Septcloud, what is your preferred method of receiving text corrections? I tried giving screenshots but they were blocked.

Heya. If you join our Discord server, that is the best place to report them. Thank you!

when is the new update out

The first update containing some of the side paths will be out later this week in early access for higher tiers on Patreon. We'll bring it to Itch a couple of weeks later when we fully launch it!

Hi there can anyone help it's not letting me on the realms on the first game and now it's not letting me download part 1&2

Hi there - are you trying to download from the website directly or through the Itch App? If you are trying through the app, can you try the website instead and see if this works for you? Thanks!

I feel stupid is there an app for itch my bad  and yes I tryed it on the site not working sorry thank u for helping played part 3 it's sooo gd hyped for more 

I just tested, and they all seem to work for me. Which platform are you trying to download it for? :)


Thanks. Can you confirm that you're the same person who commented on our Patreon post? If so, I will DM you over there with further assistance :)


I was surprised by how much immature homophobia there was throughout this game, as if immature straight boys had created it. For people who are supposedly not "easily offended", they seemed pretty afraid of any plot thread that could involve two men getting it on. Can you not repeat this in the next game? You're alienating some of your fan base. We're not all hetero dudes afraid of some D.

(1 edit) (+13)(-4)

i think the vast majority of males would prefer not to watch scenes featuring a man putting his willy in another man’s bumhole mate. This is the wrong series for you, there’s plenty of gay games out there for you to try. I assume you don’t complain about the lack of a vegan option when ordering at a steakhouse, so why do it with adult novels? 


I don't think you can say what the "vast majority of males" do or don't want, and you also make lots of assumptions about what two men do together that show your ignorance about the variety of activities. Speak for yourself. There are lots of bi men out there who would prefer to have multiple options. Dragon Age II could do it, so there's no reason this series can't. If you don't want to have this option, then don't use it, mate. Don't tell other guys what they should or shouldn't want. Adult novels can be inclusive, as are restaurants. Stop trying to play thought police by telling other guys they don't get to ask for options they want. Your restaurant example falls flat. If your local steakhouse wants to offer a jackfruit option or onion rings, I assume you just don't order them if you don't want them. You don't try to tell the restaurant not to offer those options. So don't try to stop other people from asking for what they want on this menu. Live and let live, dude.


It’s not that challenging to interpret statistics and trends among men and women, market analysts do it all the time. There’s no element of assumption. There’s also no need to be insulting towards a team of Developers by calling them immature and homophobic. That is a strange strategy indeed to get what you want. People make content that they want to make. If you cannot deal with that then a massive good luck to you going forward sir. 

(1 edit) (-14)

If you actually did the statistics, you would know that most people have some interest in more than one gender, they aren't as hetero as you seem to think. There's no need for you to have been insulting about sex between two men in your initial post, but you were.  There were unnecessarily homophobic comments in this series, and I let the developers know that some of their customers aren't happy with that. It's called feedback. If they don't want me to raise issues with the juvenile homophobic comments, then they can stop making them. Otherwise, I have the same right to comment as anyone else. You're the one who can't seem to deal with content that isn't what you yourself want. If you can't deal with a request for content that includes people who aren't like yourself, then a massive good luck to you going forward, you're going to need it in this great big world of many types of people who aren't exactly like you.

(1 edit) (+8)

dude most people are straight dont try to justify your aberrance by implying everyone is kinda gay

that is the goddamn truthful answer I have ever read, seven.saint there is a huge pool for you to try rather than cry. I don't think I'll appreciate to see gay content while waiting for a scene one of my hands on my tool 

Hi, just purchased via

Downloaded the PC/Linux realm 1&2 but it's asking for a decryption key. No indication of what it is, or where it might be situated. Therefore, i'm unable to play what I bought

I remember that the game had several versions right? Is this the best?

I would like to buy it at some point, if you want to sell it please tell me, sorry got a bit impatient here, because somehow the devs seem to vanish during sales. It's the second time I remember that situation. 


Hi there. I replied on your other comment :)


For the second and last time I'm respectfully asking for a demo! I might be interested in buying  your game, but if there's no demo I prbly never will :(


Hi there. Sorry for missing your original comment. Right now, we aren't offering a demo, as while the game's opening offers a great start to the story, it doesn't match up to the graphics of the later parts of the game, so the opening doesn't represent the game as a whole.

If you are interested, Realm 1 is available at 50% off on Steam ($4.99); you can play the first couple of hours, and if it's not to your liking, you can refund the game :)

Thanks for your reply, I can understand your reasoning! Unfortunately though, Steam is not an option for me rn unless I do some VPN trickery. Also, I don't want the headache of separating my SFW Steam activities from my NSFW ones.

Keep in mind that demos don't necessarily have to cover just the beginning portion of a game, you can also make jumps or cover just a side story that comes up later on. Whether the effort is worth it for you is another question though and I'd respect it if you decide that it isn't.


If you use Discord, add me over there (septcloud), and we can work something out for you to be able to access the game in some capacity :)

Okay, I don't have that much time to try your game rn, but I may make use of your offer in a few of months if nothing changed until then.

I just wanted to say how thankful I am that you guys parch this to android. I have limited mobility and this really helps me as I do most things in my phone ❤️ 📱 also, is the new high lathion update ready for Android? When abouts will you guys be releasing book 4? Thank you! 🙏

Hi there. No worries at all. We want to make the game as accessible as possible, so we're glad this helped you enjoy it!

Yes, the new Realm is available on Android, too in the downloads list :)

We don't have a release window for Realm 4 yet, but we will begin releasing updates for it and complete it during 2025!

Awesome 🙌 thanks for the update! 🙏

Hi, I asked already and maybe a while ago too, but I want to know how much I have to pay if I wante everything, maybe this doesn't include the first two games (there are three now right?)

What is the best version? I think steam and where different and I can only buy here, but I need to know preferable during the sale what I would have to buy to get everything and the best version.

Hi there. This purchase currently includes all three games.

If you get the game on Steam, you can also buy DLCs that aren't available on Itch, such as walkthroughs and bonus wallpapers.

Steam also has Steam trading cards and community items if that stuff interests you. Aside from that, they are the same :)

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I can't buy this on steam, I sadly have the more than difficult german situation. I don't even know if gifting still works, so I can 't try and make a deal with you for getting the game on steam and paying it here or something.  I still have to finalize my decision since i just took interesst in it, but yes that sounds bad for me, the dlc thing I mean.

I would not even get to the shoppage despite me being more than old enough. 


No worries. If you are interested in doing so. Feel free to message me on Discord (septcloud), and we can work out an arrangement for you to purchase here and for me to provide you with a Steam key :)

Понятно. Хочу спросить вас о другом: почему у главного героя вашей игры, Атласа, нет никаких сверхъестественных способностей, кроме повышенных сверхчеловеческих характеристик? Хотя по идее у вампиров должны быть такие способности, как Гипноз и способность видеть воспоминания существа, которое он кусает и тем самым пьёт его кровь, почему у вампиров вашей игры таких способностей нет?

mac download broken

Deleted 50 days ago

Hi there. I apologise for my delayed response!

It seems to be working on my side. Are you having issues downloading it or launching it once it is downloaded?

If the latter, please ensure that your antivirus is not blocking it. Macs sometimes automatically block games built in this game engine (RenPy) by default.


A demo would be nice! I don't want to spend $25 on a game that I might not vibe with, especially in the adult games space.

This is a good game if you really like a well paced story and enough s*x to keep things interesting in a spicy way. This is a rare gem because it's based on books and has a good story, you come back for both the story and the s*x scenes. Also, with each book the scenes are getting better defined. I want a dedicated POV camera for all scenes, but you can choose perspectives in book 3. I think it's worth it.

Thanks for your input, but I still want to get a feel for how the game is like. I'm quite picky when it comes to AVNs. Me realizing 15 minutes in that this game isn't for me after just spending 25$ on it... Doesn't feel great.

(2 edits)

Hi, so i was just wondering if there is an updated walkthrough? I already bought the game here and noticed there is a walkthrough on patreon. Do i have to sub to patreon as well to get acces to the walkthrough?

Hi there - the walkthrough is currently only available on Patreon and Steam :)

Question why the price increase it was just 15 now 25 is i own 2 of the realms already just curious

We increased it as we released the main story of Realm 3 on Steam. Each Realm is a different download over there, so the price here was increased to approximately mirror that of all Realms on Steam :)

ahhh ok


Just updated the android version and all progress appears to have been wiped. I don't mind playing through it again as it's a great story with enjoyable characters but it might be something you need to look into.

And you are playing on the same device? Thank you for the heads up.

I am. It's an S24 Ultra if that makes any difference. Keep up the good work 😉

And I also have a question Septcloud games, I’m wondering why the main character of your game, Atlas, has no abilities other than superhuman physical characteristics


Hello Septcloud games, please tell me when you plan to completely complete your game, I would like to know at least the approximate date


We hope to complete it within a maximum of two to three more years.

I see. I want to ask you something else: why does the main character of your game, Atlas, have no supernatural abilities other than increased superhuman characteristics? although in theory vampires should have abilities such as Hypnosis and the ability to see the memories of the creature that he bites and thereby drinks its blood, why don’t the vampires of your game have such abilities?

Does this have choices?

Yes :)

Is there a way to unlock those ones? I have all the ones in the first page.

Heya - right now, you have all available scenes. The ones that appear missing are placeholder tiles. In the next update, it will only display the number of scenes available :)

Is this a harem game?

Yes :)

Does this game have fully animated sex scenes?

Yes, it does :)

Is chapter 3  0.8 the final version for this chapter 

No, it is the second last one of the main story. We'll release the final chapter this month :)

Deleted 132 days ago

Hi there - thanks for your comment. We have tried to adapt our regional pricing to the best of our ability with Steam's built-in tools. If you have Discord, you can join our server, and I'd love to speak with you about it to get a better understanding of how the pricing works in Turkey. Cheers!

Deleted 135 days ago

This would be my first purchase, so I am wondering on the length of realm three, any suggestions give or take?

The main story of Realm 3 is almost complete. The playtime depends on your reading speed and whether you aim to experience the variations. I would estimate that Realm 3 alone has roughly 6 hours of game time :) we will also be adding side content, so by the time it's complete, there will be over 10 hours of stuff!


I bought realm 1 a yeast ago (love this avn) if i buy 2 is it 15 bucks still or it's just realm 2 15$


Heya. Currently the price listed will get you all three available realms :)

Deleted 151 days ago
Deleted 151 days ago
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If we download ep 1&2 then download ep 3 will they merge into single game like having an update or will they be different apps?

Hi there. They are different apps. If you play 1 & 2 to the very end, you reach a screen where you can export your save game. Then when you play Realm 3, you can import it :)

Would it work same way on android or will there be a different process?

It works the same way on Android!

Thanks 🫡

Where can I access realm 1 and 2 from? Is there a separate download for them?

Yes, they are a separate download. You can see them in the downloads section named The Seven Realms - Realm 1 & 2 (v0.21).

what the different about realm 1 2 and 3?

Realms 1 & 2 are "episodes 1 & 2". Realm 3 is the third episode.

They are separate downloads as we totally overhauled everything in Realm 3. You can import your save from the first two episodes into episode three.

aight, that is verry helpfull

so i bought seven realms when it was 1 and 2. still in my library. do i have to pay 15 dollars for realm 3 ?

Hi there. You should be able to download Realm 3 with your existing purchase.

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